Mini Maple-Pecan Pies

Mini Maple-Pecan Pies
Mini Maple-Pecan Pies

I love the classic combo of maple-pecan. But if you don’t care for what goes into a traditional Pecan Pie, that doesn’t mean you have to go without it. These are nutrient dense, cruelty-free and delicious.

I made these into mini pies, and while they are a bit more time consuming because you need to press in 12 individual crusts to your moulds they just look so cute and perfect finger-food for parties! If you’re pressed for time or would just rather a regular sized, go ahead and make it into one big delicious pie.

Mini Maple-Pecan Pies
makes 12 mini or 1 regular pie

1/2 cup Pecans
1/4 cup Almonds
1/2 tsp Vanilla Bean Powder
pinch of Himalayan Pink Salt
175g pitted Medjool Dates
1/2 Tbsp Maple Syrup

Pulse the nuts, vanilla bean and salt together in a food processor until the nuts from a coarse meal. Add the medjool dates and maple syrup and continue to process until it forms a dough.
Divide the dough between moulds and press it down and up the sides firmly to form the crust.
*If you’re making a regular sized pie you will only have enough for a base. Double the recipe if you would like the crust to go up the sides too.

Maple Caramel filling:
200g Medjool Dates, (soak and peel off the skins  if you want it super smooth)
1/4 cup Maple Syrup
1/4 cup Almond Butter
1/4 cup Tahini
OR 1/2 cup Almond Butter
1/4 cup melted Coconut Oil
1/2 Tbsp Mesquite Powder, optional
Extra Pecans for topping, optional

Blend all ingredients together in a high-powered blender until smooth.
You can either spoon the filling into the crusts or, for a cute piped effect like in the photo you can fill a piping bag with the maple caramel and pipe it into the crusts. Place them in the refridgerator to set for about an hour or so to make removing them from the moulds a bit easier.
Top with Pecans if desired and store in the fridge until ready to enjoy.

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